Gm patent for local broadcasting, sales tool (wink)
via satelliteradiotechworld
I wonder if this will become the pathway around the no local broadcasting rule, its sure to draw fire from the nab and others quickly.
Thursday, January 04, 2007
GM Patent Application for Demonstrating Vehicle Features and Promotions
Today, GM had a patent application disclosed that includes the use of a dedicated satellite radio channel to demonstrate the features of a vehicle. It's a novel application of satellite radio.In one embodiment, a vehicle located at a dealership receives a satellite radio signal. The geographic region is determined by a GPS system in the vehicle. A unique message or command is applied to the vehicle. For example, power windows, power sunroof, and power locks can be demonstrated. An executable file can instruct the telematic unit to operate the functions while the salesperson makes the sales pitch. An audio and/or video may accompany the demonstration. Special promotions unique to the dealer my be offered to the potential buyer. The potential buyer may be serenaded by music unique to that region. A specific channel of information may also be provided without a subscription if the vehicle remains within a certain geographic region or is of a specific vehicle type or year. Sounds like the car could sell itself.
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